Date of First Appearance:
September 19, 1952;
Named September 22, 1952
Schulz on Linus: "Linus didn't come
along for several years. He came because one day I was doodling on a piece
of paper and I drew this little character with some wild hair straggling
down from the top of his head and showing it to a friend of mine who also
was working at Art Instruction Schools and whose name was Linus Maurer.
For no reason at all, I had written his name under it. He looked at it and
we both kind of chuckled. Then I though, why not put this character in the
strip and make him Lucy's brother?"
Tormented by Lucy, his big sister, Linus is
a quirky intellectual who can see the philosophical side of all
situations. He quotes scripture, knows the true meaning of Christmas, and
continues to hope he sees the Great Pumpkin on Halloween. Sally, Charlie
Brown's little sister, has a crush on him, calling him "Sweet Babboo."