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Belvedere, 1958

This is a clear example of Escher's style, and one of his more popular works. In the bottom of the paper there is a man holding a cube whose segments connect from front to back, and back to front. Notice the paper with the drawn cube at the man's feet. It is impossible, for instance, to determine which lines create the front and the back of this cube. In reality such feats are obviously impossible. However in a two dimensional world, these tricks become realities, as is depicted in Belvedere. The expression on the cube-holder's face is that of bewilderment, and is apparently oblivious to the manner in which the structure behind him was constructed (precisely the same bemusing style of architecture). Not only are forward poles connected to the distant side, but the ladder in which this couple climbs creates the illusion of reality, when it is physically impossible to do so in a world such as ours.